Lorenzo Romano
Work in Progress
L’Orizzonte degli Eventi (2023)
for 3 Percussion players, Video and Live electronicsA musical rendition of the sound of a Blackhole
Commissioned by Reverberation Percussion
Using the Event Horizon Telescope, scientists obtained an image of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87, outlined by emission from hot gas swirling around it under the influence of strong gravity near its event horizon.
Credits: Event Horizon Telescope collaboration et al.
Francesco Dillon plays
Unreasonable Behavior
41st Thomas Edison Film Festival
Director Choice Award
Edible Music ︎ (2021-2022)
Video Concerto for Chef, Instruments and electronics24.06.2022
premiere of
La Luna (2020) ︎
Chamber Opera in five Chapters for 7 Singers, 1 Actress, Ensemble and Electronics.Subject by Giuliano Bracci.
Libretto by Giuliano Bracci and Johannes Blum.
A coproduction between the Hamburgische Staatsoper,
the Hochschule für Theater und Musik Hamburg and the
„La Luna“ ist eine der gelungensten Produktionen der Hamburgischen Staatsoper: intelligentes und unterhaltsames Musiktheater. (Elisabeth Richter, 27.06.2022, Hamburger Abendblatt)
premiere of
Music for the dance piece Bardo by Jasmine Fan07.01.2021
Cd Release
Luna Incostante, Luna Varia / Sol che dal Tauro (2019) ︎
Two Arias for Soprano and Live Electronicslorromano@yahoo.it
︎ Soundcloud